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The databases are being developed by our committed members who spare no time and effort to process paper-based BMD registers into a searchable system of computer data. Naturally, we cannot compete with the army of Familysearch indexers (for the lesser informed: the Familysearch website, developed and maintained by the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, publishes images of millions of BDM registers from all over the world, with an ever increasing part processed and made searchable by volunteers). However, we believe our data collections are more accurate as our indexers are less likely to make mistakes with special Hungarian diacritics and they are more familiar with local place names and other peculiarities.
Indexing is carried out on a voluntary basis: our database administrators are pleased to provide guidelines, instructions and technical assistance to anyone who is keen to take part in these projects.
Databases available via MACSE website:
Searchable databases Contents Downloadable
templates and
Civil BDM registers
Civil Registration began in Hungary on October 1, 1895. Prior to this date, registers were kept by the various denominations (Churches and Synagogues) recognized by the law.
Indexing civil registers is in strict compliance with civil right and data protection laws.
The current quantity of data processed is shown on the opening page of the database (see Statistics). MACSE members and those that take part in the indexing project have full access to the database.
The databaase is not yet complete, but it is expanding all the time. On the Start Page of the database, under the Statistics heading, you can keep an eye on how the work is going.
Access to the database is restricted to MACSE members and to those that contibute to the database by indexing a minium of 2000 new records.

If you would like to participate in the indexing, send an email to the project manager: macse.indexing@gmail.com

Hungarian only
Parish Registers of the Hungarian Kingdom A limited range of data, processed mainly by volunteers personally interested in a particular town or region. The current quantity of data processed is shown on the opening page of the database (see Statistics). MACSE members and those that take part in the indexing project have full access to the database.

If you would like to participate in the indexing, send an email to the project manager: macse.indexing@gmail.com

Hungarian only
Jewish individuals
registered in
Christian BMD
Regular registration of Jewish people began only in the middle of the 19th century. (Although many Rabbinates registered life events of their Communities prior to this date, most of these notes had been lost or destroyed during historical upheavals.)
Typically in smaller Hungarian communities, it occurred occasionally that Jewish life events were registered by the local Parish. Jewish birth data were also registered in Christian registers when an Israelite converted to Christianity.
These data may be an invaluable source of information for researchers; therefore MACSE has decided to build the database of “Israelites in Christian Registers”. To our knowledge, this will be the first time ever that such a database is being developed
Hungarian only
Destroyed or lost BDM registers template
(in Hungarian)
The collection available on the internet can be further extended with the help of a downloadable.  
For would-be volunteers:
- Those who wish to take part in any of the ongoing projects, are kindly invited to contact the Project Manager. Contact details can be found
    in the Imprint or in the Instructions.
- For projects under development, data processing can be carried out even before the search application programme would be fully operational.



© MACSE   Magyar Családtörténet-kutató Egyesület  Mail: 1025 Budapest Cseppkő utca 33     koordinator@macse.hu 
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