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The database is a collection of names extracted from the family trees of our researchers. It is updated regularly.
Many Hungarian families have „branched out” to foreign countries. Sometimes it was just the consequence of redrawing Hungary’s borders after lost wars. There were also waves of large-scale emigration from Hungary, in particular to countries such as the US, Britain, Israel, etc.

Visitors are invited to contribute to the extension of the database. First, see if you have any „suspicious” names belonging to persons who may be related to you. Once you have found a name of interest you can contact the other party to exchange information.

To view the database members of MACSE and non-MACSE members who take part in our indexing projects must register.
Those that just wish to find out more about the database, can have a temporary and limited access if they click on the Log in button on this page.



© MACSE   Magyar Családtörténet-kutató Egyesület  Mail: 1025 Budapest Cseppkő utca 33     koordinator@macse.hu 
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