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Family Tree Databases
 It's good to know...
- When sending data for publication, please use the 'GEDCOM' format. Most of the popular family tree building programmes support the export of this file format. In most cases, after choosing the 'export' command you can select between various options.
- - You can 'export the whole database' or 'export a part of the database'.
- - You can also select the character set used in the exported file. If your programme runs under Windows, please choose 'UFT-8' or 'ANSI'. If it runs under another system, please choose 'UFT-8' or 'UNICODE'.
- - For output format please choose 'GEDCOM' (preferably version 5.5)
The size of the file will be usually small enough to be sent as the attachment of an email.
- A replacement of the file can be requested at any time.
- In keeping with current legislation we shall not publish the data of persons died not earlier than thirty years to date, married not earlier than 60 years to date and born not earlier than 90 years to date. If requested so, we shall make your contact details public.

Should you have further questions please write to E-mail  


Last update : 2023-12-20  
©  Online Family Tree Database.   Database-programming: Webmaster
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