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Family Tree Databases
One of the main goals of the Association is to collect family research data from various sources and integrate them into an easy-to-handle unified database. When creating the database, special attention will be paid on the rights of individuals to privacy as well as on the protection of personal data. In keeping with the stipulations of current Hungarian legislation we shall not publish data within the 30, 75 and 100-year time limits with regard to death, marriage or birth data, respectively.

The larger the database the more useful it may prove for researchers. This is why we invite those interested to join and contribute their family data. We do hope that this ever increasing database will be not only a useful instrument to make family research a simple and entertaining exercise, but also enable participants to discover new family relations. In addition, the online accessibility will make it possible for everybody, including the disabled or those who are living abroad or in remote areas, to get involved in family research.

The website is divided into three sections.

  1. On the left side you can find the Menu with various Search Options, the Co-operation Options and the Language Options.
  2. The middle section is used for research. The database offers a variety of search options.

    You can browse the entire database by choosing the Browsing/ Listing of surnames / ABC option.

    You can also search the data of a particular family tree by choosing the Family trees in alphabetic order / Family tree databases / Family tree option.

    You can find detailed information about a particular family by clicking on the Info button.

    Whichever option you choose, you will reach the Listing Of Surnames option where clicking on the the ABC option will yield the list of surnames starting with a particular letter of the alphabet. Clicking on the selected surname will open the List of First Names.

    Clicking on a particular name will open a Personal Data Sheet. Here, clicking on highlighted names, you can also step “forward” or “backward” between generations.

    The database is constantly expanding. Changes can be monitored by the Family Trees in Chronological Order option.

  3. In the right panel you will be given further assistance for using the database. Clicking on each menu option will prompt a “help” note in the panel. In the right panel: clicking on the „Contact” button you can send a message to the data provider.

    Under Statistics you can find the current status of the database.

Last update : 2023-12-20  
©  Online Family Tree Database.   Database-programming: Webmaster
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